The Link Navigator palette will show when this is selected. Allows you to navigate backward and forward through linked story chains. Unavailable because a publication is not open. The Link Navigator palette will show when this is selected. Allows you to navigate backward and forward through linked story chains. The Image Control palette will show if this is selected. Allows you to change brightness, contrast and gray values of a selected grayscale graphic. Unavailable because a publication is not open. The Image Control palette will show if this is selected. Allows you to change brightness, contrast and gray values of a selected grayscale graphic. The Spot Colors palette will show if this is selected. Allows you to change color of a selected object. Unavailable because a publication is not open. The Spot Colors palette will show if this is selected. Allows you to change color of a selected object. The Patterns and Line palette will show if this is selected. Allows you to set the color and/or pattern for the line and fill of objects and the width of lines. Unavailable because a publication is not open. The Patterns and Lines palette will show if this is selected. Allows you to set the color and/or pattern for the line and fill of objects and the width of lines. Presents a floating palette that allows you to assign specific tab and indentation attributes as well as paragraph spacing and hyphenation. You can also copy and paste tab settings between paragraphs. Presents a floating palette that allows you to assign specific tab and indentation attributes as well as paragraph spacing and hyphenation. You can also copy and paste tab settings between paragraphs. Unavailable because a publication is not open. Presents a floating palette that allows you to assign specific tab and indentation attributes as well as paragraph spacing and hyphenation. You can also copy and paste tab settings between paragraphs. Copy Fit Other Copy Fit Checked Adjusts either the character size, line size, or paragraph size of selected text in order to fit the text exactly into the text block(s) that contains the text. Unavailable because the Text tool is not selected or a publication is not open. Adjusts either the character size, line size, or paragraph size of selected text in order to fit the text exactly into the text block(s) that contains the text. Brings up a dialog that lets you designate hyphenation conditions. Unavailable because the Text tool is not selected or a publication is not open. Brings up a dialog that lets you designate hyphenation conditions. Brings up a menu where you can select one of the four following spacing types: Character, Word, Line, Paragraph. Unavailable because the Text tool is not chosen or a publication is not open. Brings up a menu where you can select one of the four following spacing types: Character, Word, Line, Paragraph. Allows you to choose a Custom Style which you have created or loaded into your program via a pop-up. Allows you to choose a Custom Style which you have created or loaded into your program via a pop-up. Allows you to choose a Custom Style which you have created or loaded into your program via a pop-up. Unavailable because you do not have the Text tool selected or a publication is not open. Allows you to choose a Custom Style which you have created or loaded into your program via a pop-up. Allows you to change text alignment via a pop-up. Allows you to change text alignment via a pop-up. Unavailable because the Text tool is not selected, the Page Number tool is not selected, or a publication is not open. Allows you to change text alignment via a pop-up. Allows you to change text size via a pop-up. This size is selected. Allows you to change text size via a pop-up. Unavailable because text is not clicked in or you have not created a text object or a publication is not open. Allows you to change text size via a pop-up. Allows you to change text style via a pop-up. This style is selected. Allows you to change text style via a pop-up. Unavailable because text is not clicked in or you have not created a text object or a publication is not open. Allows you to change text style via a pop-up. Allows you to change text font via a pop-up. This font is selected. Allows you to change text font via a pop-up. Unavailable because text is not clicked in or you have not created a text object or a publication is not open. Allows you to change text font via a pop-up. Brings up a dialog box which will allow you to change text font, size, color, position and style. Unavailable because text is not clicked in or you have not created a text object or a publication is not open. Brings up a dialog box which will allow you to change text font, size, color, position and style. Brings up a dialog which allows you to specify a character that the tab will align to. Brings up a dialog which allows you to specify a character that the tab will align to. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a decimal justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a decimal justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a center justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a center justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a center justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a right justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a right justified tab. Will set the next tab created or the selected tab to a right justified tab.